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You want to make a positive impact. We can help.

You want to make a positive difference. We can help.

Our Services

At Community Health Solutions (CHS) we help organizations create positive impact for the people they serve. We can help your organization:

  • Assess needs
  • Design strategies
  • Develop capacity
  • Execute for results
  • Demonstrate impact

Learn more about who we arewhat we do, and who we serve. Also explore Elevation, the CHS learning community for creating high impact organizations.

An Action Learning Collaborative is a cost-effective solution for collaborative learning and improvement.  We produce Action Learning Collaboratives for associations, foundations, public agencies, and other organizations interested in bringing people together to accelerate learning and improvement.  Learn more… 

An Action Learning Collaborative is a cost-effective solution for collaborative learning and improvement.  We produce Action Learning Collaboratives for associations, foundations, public agencies, and other organizations interested in bringing people together to accelerate learning and improvement.  Learn more… 

Click to access 10ThingsYoureProbablyDoingWrongwithTrainingVideo.pdf

Let's talk.

Please contact us to learn more about how we might help you accomplish your goals.

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