Organizations need community data for multiple purposes including strategic planning, program management, grant writing, and community health needs assessment.  Community Health Solutions offers an extensive capability in community data development that can be helpful to individual organizations as well as entire communities.  We can deliver community data in multiple formats including tables, map displays, custom infographics, and community data portals.

Data Resources

Community Health Solutions maintains and expansive warehouse of community health indicators at the state, regional, city, county, zip code, and census tract level.  These indicators are derived from primary data where available and from statistical estimates when necessary.  We help our clients use these data to develop intelligence on:

Example of a community profile in table format.

Example of a community profile in table format.

  • Community demographic patterns
  • Social determinants of health
  • High-priority populations
  • Health disparities
  • Health coverage patterns
  • Maternal and infant health risks
  • Child and youth health risk
  • Adult health risks
  • Chronic disease prevalence
  • Oral health condition prevalence
  • Mental health condition prevalence
  • Substance use prevalence
  • Hospitalization by cause
  • Mortality by cause
  • Community provider capacity

Mapping Capabilities

Priority Population Analysis: Darker regions are Census Tracts with high prevalence of low -income seniors.

Example of high priority target area analysis: darker regions are Census Tracts with high prevalence of low -income seniors.

Place matters profoundly in community health.  Community Health Solutions offers geospatial analysis and mapping supports to help organizations:

  • Identify geographic areas with relatively high health risks (‘hot spots’)
  • Identify geographic areas with gaps in services and supports (‘cold spots’)
  • Identify high priority target areas for focused initiatives
  • Conduct health impact analysis for evaluation of policies and programs
  • Support service location decisions
  • Inform strategic planning decisions.

Reporting and Display Options

Data matters most when it is delivered in to the right people in the right format to support decision making.  We work closely with our clients to deliver data in formats that best serve their needs.  Options include:

  • Custom tables
  • Custom map displays
  • Custom infographics (tables, maps, graphics and text combined to deliver a focused message)
  • Community data portals (online interactive portals for data, maps, and supporting content.  See the Virginia Atlas of Community Health as an example).

Contact us to learn more about community data development.