Schools have a profound impact on health and health opportunity for their students and staff.  At CHS we provide a proven set of strategy supports to help schools promote health within the school setting and through school-community partnerships.  We invite you to scan our support menu below.

School health strategy should ideally be informed by timely intelligence on the health support needs of students and staff. We can help you: 

  • Define the focus for needs assessment
  • Identify health support needs from the perspective of students, families, and staff
  • Identify health needs in the broader community that may be reflected in student health
  • Present assessment results in efficient reports and other communication channels

The results of the school health needs assessment can be used to inform development of strategies for improving health supports in the classroom, the cafeteria, the campus, and the community. We can help you:

  • Define priority areas for action
  • Identify promising practices from the field
  • Design responsive strategies for school health promotion
  • Specify intended results and key performance indicators
  • Design a monitoring and evaluation strategy for guiding and managing the effort.

Building capacity is key for developing school programs and community partnerships that work. We can help you:

  • Identify capacity gaps
  • Design capacity building strategies
  • Develop responsive resources (research, data analytics, tools, training, technical assistance, coaching)
  • Deliver supports through efficient channels (online resources, virtual meetings, community collaboratives)
  • Document creation of new or improved capabilities

Even the best strategies can fall short if they are not fully executed. We can help you:

  • Define priority issues for effective execution
  • Engage key stakeholders as partners in execution
  • Facilitate action learning sessions where partners share insights and ideas for optimizing execution
  • Deliver virtual coaching and technical assistance to support execution
  • Monitor progress and recommend improvements for execution

Demonstrating impact is essential for sustaining and expanding school health promotion programs. We can help you:

  • Identify strategic objectives for evaluation
  • Design an evaluation workplan
  • Develop data collection methods and tools
  • Collect and analyze evaluation data
  • Develop evaluation reports for specific audiences