• Hospitals and health Systems are vital partners in developing and creating healthier communities.
  • At CHS we provide a proven set of strategy supports to help hospitals and health foundations accomplish their goals for community impact, including community health needs assessments (CHNAs) required by the IRS.
  • Over the past 23 years we have helped dozens of hospitals and health systems accomplish their goals.

Effective strategy begins with a deep understanding of community needs.  We help our clients develop community needs assessments that are strategically focused, timely, and designed to produce authentic insights about pressing community needs. We can help you:

  • Define the scope of the community needs assessment
  • Analyze quantitative indicators of community health and well-being
  • Generate qualitative insights about community needs, assets, gaps, and opportunities
  • Develop community maps that illustrate relationships between community needs and assets
  • Capture results in a community needs assessment report.

Strategy is a process of defining and refining the goals and strategies for your organization or program. We help our clients design and execute strategies that are focused on delivering value, and adaptable to rapidly changing conditions.  We can help you:

  • Clarify your mission or purpose
  • Analyze the operating landscape
  • Identify the community populations you will serve
  • Specify intended results and key performance indicators
  • Identify key capabilities and partnerships that will be required for effective execution.
  • Produce a strategic plan that defines the vision, mission, goals, partners, funders, key actions, key performance indicators, and time horizons.
  • Strategy is implemented through effective programs and services.  We can help you:
    • Design programs that are evidence-informed and structured to work in your local context
    • Build team capacity for program implementation
    • Monitor implementation to keep the program on track
    • Facilitate continuous quality improvement to assure the best possible outcomes
    • Design and conduct evaluations that are practical and strategically focused to inform key stakeholders

Team learning and development is essential for delivering effective programs and services.  At CHS we use an action learning approach to help teams develop their talent as they are innovating to improve programs and services. We can help you:

  • Focus the objectives for team action learning
  • Design action learning supports (training, tools, technical assistance, coaching)
  • Facilitate action learning through focused learning sessions and individual coaching
  • Evaluate impact in terms of individual learning, team development, and organizational impact
  • Capture learning resources for repeatable use by the organization

In today’s funding environment it is essential to evaluate community impact in order to demonstrate value to partners, funders, and the community. We help our clients develop evaluation approaches that are practical, affordable, and responsive to questions of interest to key stakeholders.  CHS can help you:

  • Identify key audiences for evaluation reporting
  • Create an efficient evaluation design
  • Collect and analyze evaluation data
  • Analyze results to inform organizational learning and program improvement
  • Report results in ways that demonstrate value to partners, funders, and the community