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Learning to Be Great

2018-03-24T14:56:08+00:00March 2nd, 2018|

  "If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near." -- Jack Welch With this insight, Jack Welch defines an important strategic challenge for every organization operating today.  The pace of change is fast and accelerating. If we do not enable our people to [...]

Public Health Strategies

2022-01-15T16:44:38+00:00December 20th, 2021|

Partnering for Healthier Communities Public health agencies play a vital role as service providers and as catalysts, conveners, and funders for community partnerships.  Creating community partnerships can be challenging, especially when prospective partners bring difference missions, cultures, structures, and goals to the table. At CHS we help public health agencies accomplish their [...]

School Settings

2021-11-02T18:00:09+00:00November 2nd, 2021|

Schools have a profound impact on health and health opportunity for their students and staff.  At CHS we provide a proven set of strategy supports to help schools promote health within the school setting and through school-community partnerships.  We invite you to scan our support menu below. School health strategy should ideally be informed by [...]

Community Behavioral Health Agencies

2021-12-10T16:43:31+00:00February 17th, 2021|

Community behavioral health agencies provide a wide array of supports that are essential for improving community health and wellness. We use a proven support model to help community behavioral health agencies build capacity, optimize performance, and demonstrate community impact. Over the past 23 years we have applied this model to help dozens of [...]

Charitable Clinics

2021-12-10T16:41:32+00:00February 17th, 2021|

Strong charitable clinics are essential for creating healthier communities where everyone has access to essential health care services. We use a proven support model to help charitable clinics build capacity, optimize performance, and demonstrate community impact. Over the past 23 years we have applied this model to help dozens of charitable clinics accomplish [...]

Community Health Centers

2021-12-10T16:45:07+00:00February 16th, 2021|

Community health centers are essential partners in efforts to create healthier communities. We use a proven support model to help community health centers build capacity, optimize performance, and demonstrate community impact. Over the past 20 years we have applied this model to help dozens of community health centers accomplish their goals. Effective [...]

Public Health

2021-12-10T16:46:11+00:00February 16th, 2021|

State and local public health agencies provide a wide array of services to promote health and prevent illness and injury, saving and improving countless lives. At CHS we provide a proven set of supports to help public health agencies accomplish their goals for community impact. Over the past 23 years we have helped [...]

Association Strategies

2022-01-20T22:06:13+00:00February 16th, 2021|

Associations of health and human service providers play a vital role in facilitating learning and improvement for their members. But it can be challenging to produce new programs that meet the evolving needs of members within a tight budget and a quick timeframe. At CHS we help solve these challenges by partnering [...]

Hospitals and Health Systems

2021-12-10T16:45:38+00:00February 8th, 2021|

Hospitals and health Systems are vital partners in developing and creating healthier communities. At CHS we provide a proven set of strategy supports to help hospitals and health foundations accomplish their goals for community impact, including community health needs assessments (CHNAs) required by the IRS. Over the past 23 years we have helped [...]

Strategy Supports for United Way Organizations

2021-12-10T16:48:41+00:00February 5th, 2021|

United Way organizations are community catalysts that play vital roles in identifying community needs, fostering community partnerships, engaging community members, and developing funding. At CHS we provide a proven set of strategy supports to United Way organizations accomplish their goals for community impact. Effective strategy begins with a deep understanding of community [...]

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